Hírek és videók

Itthonról és a nagyvilágból, angolul és magyarul

Corporate Skills at the Balassi Institute, Budapest

In 2017 Corporate Skills started working with the Balassi Institute on their support programme for young ethnic Hungarians, living outside Hungary, who are studying for postgraduate degrees. The aim of the programme is to support their studies so that they can return to their homes and make a positive contribution to their local environments.

In 2017 we held presentation training focused specifically on helping the participants prepare for their dissertation and thesis presentations.

In 2018 we conducted two Communication courses for participants as part of the Balassi Institute's cultural programmes. Topics included active listening, cross-cultural communication, networking skills, cross generational communication, group debates and impromptu speaking skills.

Each course was delivered to groups of approximately 12 participants. In each group there was a core of fluent Upper Intermediate and Advanced English students. However, in addition to these participants there were a few much lower level students - some as low as Elementary or borderline pre-intermediate. Despite this, with personal coaching from the trainers they were all able to participate in the group activities and even make impromptu speeches. 

Prezentációs tippek 3 percben

Egyik oktatónk egy online óra keretein belül a diák kérésére bemutat néhány prezentációs tippet angol nyelven. Kérem, tekintse meg. Reméljük, talál benne néhány jó ötletet az Ön saját előadásának az elkészítéséhez. 

Corporate Communications - 1056 Budapest, Váci utca. 67. - Tel./Fax: +36-1-788-2528, Mobile: +36-70-331-8927 - E-mail: info@corporateskills.hu
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