Train with us in Budapest

Flexible courses tailored to your needs

Are you interested in developing yourself and your skill set in a vibrant Central European city rated as a top destination by all travel guides? Come and learn in our British owned training centre in the heart of Budapest. You can learn about our offerings by clicking here.

Our friendly international staff has been offering tailor made courses to our students and partners in Budapest for over two decades. If you are looking for a unique learning experience that is not only effective but fun, please contact our team below. 

There are thousands of international people staying, learning or working in Budapest. If you are one of them and would like to improve your communication, management or other skills, please don't hesitate to contact us below and let us know your needs so we can assist you.

Please get in touch with us here:

Corporate Communications - 1056 Budapest, Váci utca. 67. - Tel./Fax: +36-1-788-2528, Mobile: +36-70-331-8927 - E-mail:
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